Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Episode 45 - Check, Mate
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Not only did P.A.L. essentially blow apart that Hydra single handedly, Bloo smoked Braddock in the face. Ooof, Cassius is likely to be pissed about that one... but HEY! Maestro's back!!! I bet he has plan for our fellas it's almost like he's a leader of music... whats the word I'm looking for... conductor... no, that has to do with trains.... a composer.... bah, it'll come to me sooner or later.
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Episode 44 - Hold On to Your Butts
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Welp, I think this is it. The guys are in a tough spot and I don't see how they're getting out. It's been a good run and it's been fun, but there's no way they're gonna take care of this creature, and we all know that Brother-in-Law isn't going to play fair. Pack it up everyone, time to go home... or... perhaps... Maybe... just maybe...
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Episode 43 - Brother-In-Law Blues
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Here we go, grab your popcorn and settle in my friends because this is where things get good. These bastards have been teasing this heist for a while now and it's finally kicking off. Looks like Darius' brother in law isn't too keen on keeping this silent. Let's see if this big oaf finally put a death feather in the GM's hat. Oooo, I hope it Darius.
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Episode 42 - The One With The Heist
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
I can't believe our boys went through that damn black hole AGAIN. Whew, those kids are crazy. Now back to Ro-Bro and Psycho-in-law to get this Bro-cean's Eleven heist kicked off. Huh, Bro-cean's Eleven would have been a good title. Did we use that one already? Anyways, it's just a quick smash and grab, what could go wrong?
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Episode 41 - Infinite Sorrows 2: Electric Boogaloo
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Well our boys blew that one, eh? Not only did they not save the guy they seem to have a new admirer... and by admirer I mean another person that wants to kill them. What type of name is "Victory" anyways... Yea... I thought it was pretty cool too. Anyways, lets see what happens this time around.
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Episode 40 - Victory or Death
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
So waypoint Elsewhere was a bust, but the boys did find out that SOMETHING was being kept here and some duder on another waypoint might have gotten the info on it when Elsewhere went boom boom. So next stop on this little illegal road trip, Aquaria.... Hope they have souvenirs.
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Episode 39 - Infinite Sorrows
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Okay, so Cassius is up to something. We all agree on that, right? This might be the smartest move our boys have ever pulled. Preparing for the future... Almost makes you proud, huh? But it looks like our boys have a lead so let's see where this goes.
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Episode 38 - The Best Laid Plans of P.A.L.s and Men
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Sooooo, Cassius seems nice... right. And that hubby... They seem like nice... yea they're totally going to betray the boys. Time to make some plans, take some precautions, and possibly put Harry in a horribly dangerous position with a piece of tech that is practically untested... Fingers crossed.
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Episode 37 - Family Ties
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
The boys are suspended. Ooooof. What are they gonna do now? I'm thinking Mai Tais and beach sitting somewhere. Think there's Jimmy Buffet song about such an occasion... Yea you're right... they're going to do something stupid. Well at least it might be funny.
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Episode 36 - Brocean's Eleven
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Oh man did our boys kick ass on that last one. I mean... the Gobagos killed most of the elves, but our boys still came out on top. I bet old Rivvy is going to give them some medals... what was that?... Pissed you say?... But they saved lives and the only real casualty was a bar based off a show that most people don't get the reference to... Welp, let's see how it plays out.